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In one study, older men took 20mg/day of Anavar which produced 4lbs of fat loss over 12 weeks ( 4 ). For most people, 30 – 60mg is the most they should do. 100 x 20mg Anavar tablets cost around $230 on the black market. Whereas, 100 x 25mg tablets of Winstrol can cost just $90. 5 of recovery in the oxandrolone-protein group (n = 7); both of these values were significantly greater than the corresponding values in the other groups. Amazing results, i'm currently half way through my 2nd 8 week anavar cycle, i'm currently taking 40mg daily with a 500mg testosterone cypionate as base and i gained about 10 pounds and bench went from 255 to 285 in 2 weeks Insane result. The chemical formula of Anavar is 60 years old and in the past year, Anavar's use as medicine made it even more popular. . Anavar for weight loss, acheter anabolisants stéroïdes en ligne gain de muscle.. Pas cher acheter légal stéroïde carte visa.. 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